The great volunteers that have stepped up to lead our community.

Here are the 9 members of the Board of Directors

President: Rick Starnes

Vice President: Rickie Furr

Secretary: Greg Mecimore

Treasurer: Emmanuel Jourdan

Vice Treasurer: Dean Wrenn

Member At-Large #1: Open Seat

Member At-Large #2: Open Seat

Member At-Large #3: Open Seat

Member At-Large #4: Open Seat

How do I join the Board

We have a need for more board members, so if you feel called to serve to make our neighborhood a great place to live, then join us at our next board meeting. We meet the third Thursday of every month in the Park and Virtually. Check the community calendar for details.

How can I communicate with the Board

  1. Join us every third Thursday of the month in the Park at 7pm. We meet in person and virtually. See calendar for details.
  2. Send a "Request" through TownSq. These requests are routed directly to the Board of Directors
  3. Send an Email to